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Well drilling in Nova Scotia
Well Drilling

The Water Shed offers well drilling services to Nova Scotians so everyone can have access to enough water. Drilled wells in Nova Scotia account for over 40% of the private water supply into households. This number is growing at a rapid rate. Properly drilled wells are essential to ensure that your household has an adequate supply of fresh water at all times. Whether you are building a new home or cottage, or are unhappy with your current water supply, we have solutions. Contact us for a free consultation on how we can drill you a new well or improve the water supply.

Our services go beyond simply drilling your well. We also repair wells, service pumps, and install replacement pumps when necessary. If your well is not performing to standard, we have many other services to help. We use recovery tests (flow testing) and down hole camera inspections first to help save you from more expensive alternatives. If after these inspections your well does need improvements, we offer other services too. These include well deepening, well extensions, and hydrofracking to ensure that your water supply meets your needs.

Our years of experience with well drilling in Nova Scotia help us give more accurate quotes. Knowing the geology and water table in different regions of the province is critical to getting the job done right.

Why Choose The Water Shed Well Drilling?

Unlike some well drilling companies in Nova Scotia, The Water Shed can offer top to bottom service for your water. We go beyond just well drilling, offering water testing and treatment as well. Our long list of services allows The Water Shed to be your one-stop shop for all of your water needs.

FAQs on Well Drilling in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Labour outlines many policies regarding well drilling. These policies require us to drill a specific distance from an array of different obstacles on and around your property. Prior to our drilling, in order to conform to these regulations, we will need to know your property boundaries, location of septic system, any buildings on the property, any public roadways around your property.

If your home is already build and on the lot, we can still drill a well for you. But the best time for new wells is on your lot before the foundation of your new home is poured. This allows for the best placement of the well based on where your home is located.